Handshake with Black Outline (white man and woman, freshwater pearl bracelet) icon png download

Handshake with Black Outline (white man and woman, freshwater pearl bracelet) png transparent

Handshake with black outline (white man and woman hands, freshwater pearl bracelet) - Poignée de main, prise de contact, serrement de main avec bord noir (main d'homme blanc et de femme avec bracelet de perles) - Händedruck, Handschlag, schwarz Umriss (weißen Mann und Frau Hände, Zuchtperlen Armband) - Stretta di mano, contatto con contorno / bordo nero (mani di uomo e donna bianchi con braccialetto di perle)

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Handshake with Black Outline (white man and woman, freshwater pearl bracelet) free icon was designed by palomaironique for icons Png and presented to its users.

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