today's kanji-167-bureimono icon png download

today's kanji-167-bureimono png transparent

a compound kanji which is read as "bureimono" which means "a rude fellow" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "burei" is an adjective in Japanese meaning "rude" in English //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "mono" means "fellow or person" "mono" is a kun-reading //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "mono" has another reading which is an on-reading called "sha" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "ja" of "ninja" is a variation of this "sha" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It's very old way of saying ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It's the word which "samurai or bushi" is likely to say ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// you must not use this word lightly. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// but,It's OK if it must be received as a joke like when a young girl says "bureimono !"

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today's kanji-167-bureimono free icon was designed by yamachem for icons Png and presented to its users.

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