today's kanji 191 joyo icon png download

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the kanji compound which is read as "joyo kanji" and means "regular-use kanji" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Current "joyo kanji "are based on a list of 2,136 characters issued in 2010 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The 2,136 kanji in the joyo kanji consist of: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1,006 kanji taught in primary school (the kyoiku kanji) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1,130 additional kanji taught in secondary school ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I want to recommend the site called KanjiRepeater as kanji-quiz supplier for the "kyouiku kanji" leaners. you can see ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// For more information about "joyo kanji",see here: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// about a list of joyo kanji(2,136 kanji),see ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I'll pick up the kyoiku kanji in the next "today's kanji"

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today's kanji 191 joyo free icon was designed by yamachem for icons Png and presented to its users.

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