Lorem Ipsum icon png download

Lorem Ipsum png transparent

Just some fake text generated compliments ofwww.lipsum.com. This type of text has been used pretty much since the invention of movable type to test what random text would look like when set with a specific font. The text looks like Latin (the language used for most printing back then) but is not actual Latin. That allowed/allows typographers to study the look of a page design without being distracted by what the text is saying. Some years ago, a writer quipped to me with great disdain that typographers are people who are interested more in what words look like than what they say. What he was completely failing to esteem was that thanks to typographers everyone else can appreciate what those words are saying without worrying about what they look like!

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Lorem Ipsum free icon was designed by AdamStanislav for icons Png and presented to its users.

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